The Official Publisher for the Brazilian Society of Anatomy
Instructions for Authors
General requirements:
Double-spaced text, tables, and references.
Times new roman 12-point typeface, 3.5cm margins, A4 paper size
No line numbering on any page
No page numbers
Any type of manuscript should not exceed 30 pages, including references, tables, and figures
Numbers of figures and/or tables should not exceed 20 in total.
Keep abbreviations to a minimum and be sure to explain them the first time they appear in the text.
Do not insert page or section breaks, except where noted in the instructions below.
Use hard returns (the Enter key) only at the end of a paragraph, not at the end of a line. Allow lines of text to break automatically in your word-processing software. Do not justify your text.
Use only one space, not two, after periods.
The manuscripts should be written in British or American English, consistently, throughout the text. Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). To ensure the manuscript was edited to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English, authors are required to provide a document that the manuscript was revised by a native English speaker. Manuscripts written in poor English will be rejected before peer-review.
The authors should use Système International (SI) measurements. For clarity, nonmetric equivalents may be included in parentheses following the SI measurements.
Use generic names for drugs. You may cite proprietary names in parentheses along with the name and location of the manufacturer.
Credit suppliers and manufacturers of equipment, drugs, and other brand-name material mentioned in the manuscript within parentheses, giving the company name and primary location.
Title page:
Indicate the type of manuscript in the first line of the title page, boldface, and centered. See the list above.
Title must be given in boldface and centered, with a maximum of 60 words.
Species names and Latin words should be in italics.
List authors' names as they should appear in print. If authors are from different institutions, use superscript numbers after the name, to refer to each different institution. Please note the number of authors of an article is limited to a maximum of 10
Do not inform the author's degree on the title page.
List authors’ institutions according to the numbering indicated in the authors' list.
Provide a short running title in English, no longer than 45 characters.
Provide the complete name and address of the corresponding author.
Authors are required to disclose all financial and personal relationships that might influence their work, as well as possible conflicts of interest, on the title page.
The abstract section should begin on a separate page after the title page. No more than 250 words will be acceptable for abstracts on any type of article.
The text should be preceded by the word "Abstract" in boldface and followed by: (colon), with text aligned to the left.
A list of 3-5 keywords, separated by “;” should be provided after the abstract, for all types of manuscripts.
For Original research and Short communication papers, the abstract should be structured, divided into Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
For Case reports papers, the abstract should be structured, divided into Introduction, Case report, and Conclusion.
For Review and Mini-review papers, the abstract should be structured, divided into Introduction, Review, and Conclusion.
The introduction section should begin on a separate page after the abstract page. The text should be preceded by the word "Introduction" in boldface and followed by: (colon), with text aligned to the left.
The introduction should provide enough background information for the reader to understand the topic and contents of the paper.
It should briefly indicate the context of the study and clearly state how the research is related to others in the field studied.
The last paragraph of this section should indicate the aims or objectives of the study.
No sub-headings are accepted in this section.
Materials and Methods:
The text should be preceded by the words "Materials and Methods" in boldface and followed by: (colon), with text aligned to the left.
The materials and methods used in the experiments should be reported in this section. It should mention the source of the material (manufacturer, city, state, country) and the supplier
For experimental studies with animals, a complete description of animals studied (number, sex, weight, age, species, etc.) should be provided. All animals' experiments must be conducted following the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Also, the protocol number of the Ethics for Animal Research approval and the Institution that gave the consent for the research to be conducted must be stated in the text.
For human studies, on patients or volunteers, a required ethics committee approval and informed consent, which should be documented in the paper.
Methods that have been previously described should be mentioned in brief only with proper references unless they have been modified in the present work.
Newly introduced techniques should be described in detail to allow easy reproduction.
Please clearly distinguish the hierarchy of headings within the Material and Methods section, by using capital letters, underline, italic, and bold styles as necessary.
The text should be preceded by the words "Results" in boldface and followed by: (colon), with text aligned to the left.
Results should be clearly presented. Tables and Figures can also be used without data overlap.
Tables should be presented at the end of the manuscript text, with a respective title and an explanatory legend if necessary. Avoid vertical rules. Number the Tables according to their sequence in the text.
Submit each illustration as a separate file: TIFF (or JPEG) color or grayscale photographs (halftones), keeping the resolution to a minimum of 300 dpi. Word or PDF files will not be accepted. Do not embed figures within the manuscript file.
Figures must be cited sequentially in the text. Number all figures (and corresponding figure captions) sequentially in the order they are cited in the text.
Photos of patients should be eye-covered and consent must be obtained from the patients or their guardian(s).
If a figure has already been published, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce or modify from the copyright holder and acknowledge the original source in the legend.
Ensure that each illustration has a caption. Supply captions separately, not attached to the figure. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. Figure caption (legends) should be provided as the last section of the manuscript, beginning on a separate page.
Please clearly distinguish the hierarchy of headings within the Results section by using capital letters, underline, italic, and bold styles as necessary.
The text should be preceded by the word "Discussion" in boldface and followed by: (colon), with text aligned to the left.
This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them.
For Case Reports and Short Communication papers, a combined “Results and Discussion” section is often appropriate.
Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
Please clearly distinguish the hierarchy of headings within the manuscript by using capital letters, underline, italic, and bold styles as necessary.
The text should be preceded by the word "Conclusion" in boldface and followed by: (colon), with text aligned to the left.
The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which should stand alone for Original Article papers.
For Case Reports and Short Communications, the conclusion must be presented as the last paragraph of the discussion section.
No sub-headings are accepted in this section.
Collate acknowledgments in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise.
List here those individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., providing language help, writing assistance or proofreading the article, etc.).
Properly acknowledge all grant support in this section.
Ethics statement:
For studies with human donors and/or cadaveric tissue, it is mandatory to state the following paragraph “The authors state that every effort was made to follow all local and international ethical guidelines and laws that pertain to the use of human cadaveric donors in anatomical research (Iwanaga et al., 2022).
How to cite this article: Iwanaga, J., Singh, V., Takeda, S., Ogeng'o, J., Kim, H.-J., Mory_s, J., Ravi, K. S., Ribatti, D., Trainor, P. A., Sañudo, J. R., Apaydin, N., Sharma, A., Smith, H. F., Walocha, J. A., Hegazy, A. M. S., Duparc, F., Paulsen, F., Del Sol, M., Adds, P., … Tubbs, R. S. (2022). Standardized statement for the ethical use of human cadaveric tissues in anatomy research papers: Recommendations from Anatomical Journal Editors-in-Chief. Clinical Anatomy, 1–3.
The References section should begin on a separate page after the Acknowledgments page.
References must be cited sequentially (NOT alphabetically) in the text using superscript numbers.
References should be the most recent and pertinent literature available. It is essential that they are complete and thoroughly checked.
List all author names, up to and including six names. For more than six authors, list the first three followed by et al.
References should be styled per the following examples:
Citing a journal article:
Newburger JW, Takahashi M, Burns JC, et al. The treatment of Kawasaki syndrome with intravenous gamma-globulin. N Engl J Med 1986;315:341–347.
2.Citing a chapter in a book:
Toma H. Takayasu’s arteritis. In: Novick A, Scoble J, Hamilton G, eds. Renal Vascular Disease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1995:47–62.
3.Citing a book:
Stryer L. Biochemistry. 2nd ed. San Francisco: WH Freeman; 1981:559–596.
4.Citing a thesis:
Stern I. Hemorrhagic Complications of Anticoagulant Therapy [Ph.D. dissertation]. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University; 1994.
5.Citing a government publication:
Food and Drug Administration. Jin Bu Huan Herbal Tablets. Rockville, MD: National Press Office; April 15, 1994. Talk Paper T94-22.
6.Citing an online article:
Rosenthal S, Chen R, Hadler S. The safety of acellular pertussis vaccine vs whole-cell pertussis vaccine [abstract]. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med [serial online]. 1996;150:457–460. Available at: Accessed November 10, 1996.
7.Citing a symposium article:
Eisenberg J. Market forces and physician workforce reform: why they may not work. Paper presented at: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges; October 28, 1995; Washington, DC.
Mini Curriculum and Author’s contributions:
Authors are asked to provide a separate page, with a mini curriculum, with the author's degrees, and the author's contributions to each manuscript as exampled below. The ORCID number of each author must be included.
Short Communication & Case Report:
For the Case Report category, the article should be structured as Introduction, Case Report, and Discussion; if the item Conclusion is necessary, it should be inserted after; for Short Communications, it should be structured as Introduction, Short Communication, and Discussions. The Introduction and Discussion sections should follow the criteria in items as mentioned for Regular & Review articles (please see above).
Editorial Policies:
Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously in any other language (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its publication is approved by all authors.
Only new unpublished manuscripts will be accepted. Submitted articles must not be fully or partially submitted to any other journal.
The Journal of MorphologicalSciences strongly combats plagiarism, double publication, and scientific misconduct. Thus, your article will be checked for originality and similarity with the software CrossCheck powered by iThenticate or similars.
All articles will have a double-blinded peer-review process.
The editorial board may reject an article or suggest changes to improve the clarity and structure of the text and maintain uniformity with the journal policy.
Copyrights of articles published in the journal will belong exclusively to the Journal of Morphological Sciences and the Brazilian Society of Anatomy publisher. The reproduction of articles or illustrations without prior consent is prohibited.
Authors are the sole ones responsible for opinions and concepts in the published articles, as well as for reference accuracy.
As the author, it is your responsibility to obtain all permissions, pay any permission fees, furnish copies of permissions when asked, and include a credit line at the end of the figure caption, beneath the table, or in a text footnote when applicable.
The responsibility for the correctness of data and statements made in the manuscript rests entirely with the author.
Mandatory documents for submission:
Letter to the editor: A submission letter is a mandatory submission item briefly stating why this paper should be published, stating that the manuscript has not been published or submitted elsewhere and that all authors agree with the content and the current submission, as well as any financial and/or ethical disclosure.
An official document that the manuscript was revised by a native English speaker (we strongly suggest the American Journal Editors services
A mini curriculum and the author's contributions to each manuscript as exampled above. The ORCID number of each author must be included.
Page Proofs:
Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author via email. The proofs will be in a PDF file format, which should be opened using Acrobat Reader software. You will receive further instructions with your proofs. Take this opportunity to check the typeset text for typographic and related errors. Elective alterations are difficult to accommodate owing to the associated time and expense of introducing them. Therefore, please be sure that when you submit your manuscript, it is accurate, complete, and final. The corresponding author will be allowed to proofread the gallery of an accepted manuscript. Major changes are not permitted at this time.
Any further questions, please contact us at